Professor Jamie Coleman MBChB MA (Med Ed) MD FBPhS

Professor Jamie Coleman MBChB MA (Med Ed) MD FBPhS


Professor Jamie Coleman MBChB MA (Med Ed) MD FBPhS FCRP (UK) FBPhS


The University of Birmingham

Year elected:


Primary professional setting:


Jamie is Professor of Clinical Pharmacology and Medical Education within the School of Medicine in the Institute of Clinical Sciences. He is currently Deputy Programme Director of the MBChB programme and Therapeutics Lead for the BDS Dentistry course, as well as many other teaching duties. He chairs the National Prescribing Skills Assessment Board, is a member of the Pharmacovigilance Expert Advisory Group of the MHRA, is chair of the specialist advisory committee for CPT in the UK, and is associate editor of the Postgraduate Medical Journal. His research programme covers adverse drug reactions, patient safety, decision support systems and, in particular, electronic prescribing, for which he is nationally recognised. He is currently co-principal investigator on an NIHR-funded programme grant investigating the implementation of hospital electronic prescribing systems in England. Jamie has also been instrumental in the establishment of SCRIPT, a suite of e-learning modules to develop and maintain professional knowledge and competence in prescribing and therapeutics. He is an active member of the clinical section committee with a particular interest in education and training.